Maintenance framework As briefly mentioned earlier, not all maintenance operations are at the same level of complexity, urgency or planning. They can therefore be classified…
Maintenance & CNESST Taken together, the above studies reveal the need for an analysis of the links between maintenance activities and occupational health and safety,…
Mechanical building equipment and computerization La gestion des équipements mécanique Le programme de gestion des équipements proposé par nos services d'implantation de maintenanceproof sont simple,…
8 Objectifs de la maintenabilité The maintainability of a machine or asset can be broken down into two parts: Intrinsic maintainability; Extrinsic maintainability; The asset's…
Work order + Purchase order = Intervention report Efficiently manage maintenance work Efficient work management The use of work orders is essential for managing interventions.…
Useful Maintenance Ratios Ratios are extremely useful tools for effective management of the maintenance function. They can be used to set targets, monitor results, assess…
Prescriptive maintenance Similar to the patterns that predictive maintenance analyzes, prescriptive maintenance uses advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to generate predictions about maintenance,…
Benefits of Preventive Maintenance Of course, one of the most obvious benefits of implementing preventive maintenance is that you’re more likely to stay ahead of…